How to Contribute to the Privacy Guides Blog

We've created this blog to showcase and share the best privacy-related content on the web. If you're considering submitting your story, thank you, we could not do any of this work without the generous support of our community.

We are looking for a wide variety of content related to privacy, from how-to guides to first person stories in the privacy and technology field. Please consider the following guidelines if you're thinking about submitting a story:

  • tech & privacy expertise or a compelling first person perspective
  • high quality text
  • only submit stories you own the rights to
  • disclose any vested interest
  • zero tolerance for hate or violence
  • be kind

Stories published on Privacy Guides have and will be shared under a non-exclusive license. That means that as a writer you retain full ownership of your submissions. Privacy Guides is granted the right to edit, publish, and distribute the story.

You may submit stories or requests via email to and You will be granted a contributors account where you will be able to submit drafts for review.

Some Rules

The Privacy Guides Blog is not a space for self-promotion, and we do not currently allow authoring as a brand. If you are looking to publish under your own name on a business's behalf, keep in mind the following:

  1. No logos in Featured Images
  2. No Hyperlinks in Title/Subtitle
  3. No Hyperlinks to the company's website
  4. Equal space must be provided to at least two competitors
  5. Include at least one relevant quote from the founder (with a link to their public profile: LinkedIn, etc.)
  6. Include a clear disclosure of your vested interests in italics at the bottom.

The editorial team reserves the right to decline any stories not aligned with our goals as a community.

Plagiarized Content

If you must use another writer's (published or unpublished) work in your article, do the right thing and both appropriately quote them and hyperlink the original source. For images, include the source in the caption area. Our editors will check each article for plagiarism.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do when I finish a draft?

Email our editors to get your article reviewed. If all looks good, we'll get it published within 72 hours! Otherwise, we'll include some feedback for revision and will try again.

Am I allowed to republish my previous writing here on Privacy Guides?

Yes! And furthermore, we are happy to include a rel=canonical link pointing search engines to the original source of your story, whether that be on your own website or blog, or elsewhere!

We can only include rel=canonical to the original source of the content, like a blog article, and not a generic page or homepage. The editorial team reserves the right to override this when necessary.

Am I allowed to publish my Privacy Guides story elsewhere?

Yes! When you submit a story to us you are granting us a non-exclusive license to edit, publish, and distribute your story. You retain full ownership and are welcome to republish your work elsewhere, such as a personal blog or other publication, as long as that does not hinder our right to publish your work.

We would appreciate it if you included a link back to your post on our site, either in-text or using rel=canonical if your publisher allows it, or both. That both helps spread the word about Privacy Guides, and helps search engines resolve duplicate content issues.

Should I retitle republished works?

When a story enters a new community, it's typical for it to be republished under a different name. The headline is one of the key factors people consider when reading your stories, so try and tailor your title to something that may resonate with the Privacy Guides community.

How do we distribute your story?

RSS: We publish all our stories to followers of our feed, which can be found at

Newsletter: Additionally, we email out all new posts to the blog to those who have subscribed to our email newsletter.

Mastodon: We will post your story to our Mastodon followers, and can tag your profile in each post if you would like.

X/Twitter: For every new story published, we will Tweet your story to our followers. We will tag your profile in the Tweet if your Twitter account is a part of your profile on Ghost.

Community: Your post will be published to our forum in the "Blog Posts" category, featured highly in searches, and will be open to the community for discussion.

The best posts will be distributed further if we believe they are especially relevant to our community.

I have another question!

Email us and we'll get it answered!